Introduction from our Managing Director

Kind & Company (Builders) Limited operate within the UK construction industry. Our head office is in Leytonstone, East London with offices and/or sites situated across London and the home counties. This is the Modern Slavery Act Transparency Policy of Kind & Company and of its parent, Kind Management Limited, for the financial year ending 31st December 2023 and is made pursuant to the UK's Modern Slavery Act 2015.


Kind & Company recognise that modern slavery is an international crime and a violation of human rights that transcends age, gender and ethnicities. It can take various forms such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which exploit a person and deprives them of their liberty. 

We are committed to maintaining and improving systems and processes to prevent the violation of human rights to which we take a zero-tolerance approach, whether relating to our supply chain or in any part of our own business.

Compliance and Assurance

The detection, reporting and prevention of modern slavery in any part of our business or our supply chain is the responsibility of anybody working for us whether that be directly, as a sub-contractor, a consultant or a supplier of goods or services.

We strive to build long term relationships and make it clear that we expect them to have suitable anti-slavery policies and processes.

If not already registered, we actively encourage our sub-contractors and providers of goods and services to register for the Constructionline validation system which require confirmation of compliance with the modern slavery act.

Where any of our supply chain are not registered for the Constructionline validation system we will do our utmost to ensure their awareness of the requirements of the Act and expect them to be able to demonstrate their own compliance if requested by us.

Communication and Awareness

Appropriate training on this policy and on the risks faced by the business from modern slavery will be provided as necessary.

Our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery will be communicated to all of our suppliers and will be reinforced when appropriate.

We encourage openness and will support anyone who raises genuine concerns under this policy. Any employee or member of our supply chain who believes they have suffered any mis-treatment should immediately inform our Joint Managing Directors of their concerns.


Any employee who is found to breach our policy on modern slavery will be subject to disciplinary action which could result in summary dismissal for gross misconduct and Kind & Company will consider terminating its relationship with any individual or organisation within its supply chain or working on our behalf should they be found to breach our policy.