Transforming Hoe Street – new homes begun in Waltham Forest
Published 30 May 2019

The official ground-breaking ceremony for 54 new homes across two new sites on Hoe Street in Waltham Forest took place on the Friday 10 May. Thanks to a partnership between the Islington & Shoreditch Housing Association (ISHA), Waltham Forest Council and the Greater London Authority (GLA), the original plan for eleven affordable homes now extends to the entire development.
The £11million project at 317A and 400 Hoe Street is being built by established Leytonstone builder, Kind & Company. The scheme is being funded by the GLA and Waltham Forest Council.
The two brownfield developments are on the sites of an old petrol station and a car workshop and have been designed to meet the needs of residents well into the future. The accommodation will provide modern, efficient and environmentally friendly living spaces - putting affordable homes back into the community.
Ruth Davison, Chief Executive of ISHA said,” We are proud that by working with our partners the GLA and Waltham Forest Council, we have managed to increase the number of eleven affordable homes in the planning permission to cover all 54 homes. It is important for ISHA, as a relatively small housing association, to be grounded in the places where we work. So, we are thrilled to be working with a local Leytonstone builder, Kind & Company”.
Bill Bassenger, Joint Managing Director of Kind & Company added, “We’re particularly proud to be constructing these two new developments and it’s particularly nice to be working with both ISHA , an organisation with whom we’ve had an excellent working relationship with in the past and also with Waltham Forest Council, with whom we’ve maintained very close links including the local community, in particular on initiatives with local labour and training”.
Councillor Simon Miller, Waltham Forest Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and High Streets, responded, “I’m delighted that it is Kind & Company which is going to be leading the building of this development, Leytonstone’s own, you are extraordinary corporate citizens for us in Waltham Forest with your sponsorship of the London Borough of Culture 2019, the interest you are taking in our top twenty business events and working together to bring local people through your systems to create employment”.
Completion is expected during autumn 2020. Further information about the project is available [Here]