New project delivery: Blaker Court for the Cherry Orchard Estate, Charlton

New project delivery: Blaker Court for the Cherry Orchard Estate, Charlton image

We are delighted to announce we are working with Charlton Triangle and their development partner Peabody to deliver Blaker Court. Together with their EA Martin Arnold, we have collectively been working hard during the pandemic to get this project to site as soon as possible; and are pleased to have reached the final stages of this process to enter contract and deliver this scheme.

This £3.6m four storey block will regenerate an area within the existing Cherry Orchard Estate; and will bring an additional 14 affordable homes to its residents, with a mix of 1,2 & 3 bed units.

Built using masonry construction, with exposed light grey multi-facing brickwork & featuring dark powder coated windows and doors; as well as being a visually aesthetic welcome to the estate, this scheme is also focused to deliver an eco-friendly block with PV Panels at roof level and a target to achieve 35% above Part L building regulations.

The delivery team will work closely with our clients, the residents and entire community within the estate to ensure as little disruption as possible during the build.  With over 75 years’ experience delivering residential schemes across London, we have developed a robust system which we know will bring confidence to all key stakeholders in this development.

Tony Battle (Joint MD) said: ‘we are pleased to have been appointed to deliver our first project for Charlton Triangle together with their development partner Peabody – with whom we already have a longstanding relationship.  This scheme will increase the affordable rent provision for the Cherry Orchard Estate, uplifting what is currently an unattractive garage site’.

Bill Bassenger (Joint MD) also stated: ‘We look forward to working with the clients and all the team on this project and indeed look forward to the first suitable opportunity to get to site for the official ground-breaking ceremony’.